Science & Technology Policy Portfolio
Master’s of Science and Technology Policy, Expected Graduation August 2023
School for the Future of Innovation in Society, Arizona State University
Cat is currently enrolled in the Master of Science and Technology Policy (MSTP) program at Arizona State University. Her work is focused on digital technologies, specifically how society is coping with the rise of surveillance capitalism. Cat is interested in modernizing consumer protection and privacy policy for the digital age and the advent of surveillance capitalism. If you need an experienced technology professional to engage on a policy problem or challenge, please contact Cat.
Policy History
Understanding the history and development of policy is critical to understanding and interpreting policy. The linked timeline summarizes the history of the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001.
Image: Pres. George W. Bush signing the USA PATRIOT Act in the East Room of the White House, Washington, D.C., October 26, 2001. (George W. Bush Library/NARA)
Policy Memo
A policy memo is a quick read that provides analysis and recommendations for policymakers. The linked memo provides some analysis and recommendations regarding real estate iBuyers.
technology assessment
Technology assessments provide an analysis of a specific technology and evaluate the potential impacts of that technology. The linked paper provides analysis of iBuyer technologies and a review of the relevant technology assessments that currently exist.
Technical communication
Technology policy often requires communicating technical ideas to a non-technical audience. This video about pumped storage hydropower technology was prepared under the guidance of ASU President Dr. Michael Crow. Cat designed the concept of the news broadcast as a way to make a dry, technical concept approachable for any audience.
Wardley Mapping
Wadley Mapping is a technique for mapping the evolution of value chains. Paired with an understanding of policy development and innovation systems, Wardley Mapping becomes a wonderful tool for anticipating shifts in science and technology. At Map Camp UK 2022, Cat will lead a workshop on preventing online radicalization. The workshop will engage policymakers in Wardley Mapping activities to design interventions.